
Budget Proposal:

Art Director:

3D Animator and Project Manager:

Full Stack Developer:

Equipment and Software:

Marketing and Promotion:

Virtual Exhibition and Event Costs:

Miscellaneous Expenses:

Total Project Budget: $292,000

With the initial grant of $30,000, we acknowledge that it will enable us to develop a simulated version of the project. This simulated version will serve as a proof of concept and a showcase of the project's potential. The grant will primarily cover essential expenses such as equipment, software, and a portion of the team's salaries.

To fully realize the project's vision and bring it to its intended scale, we propose seeking additional funding through investor partnerships. By demonstrating the simulated version of the project and its potential for artistic and commercial success, we aim to attract investors who align with our artistic vision, technological innovation, and the satire-driven concept.

The projected total budget for the project is $292,000, as outlined in the previous budget proposal. We will create a comprehensive business plan that highlights the market potential, the disruptive nature of AI in the art world, and the unique storytelling and satire elements that set our project apart. This business plan will serve as a blueprint for approaching potential investors.

Our team will actively seek out venture capital firms, art-focused investment groups, and individuals who share our passion for pushing artistic boundaries and leveraging technology in the art space. We will present our project to these investors, emphasizing its potential for growth, market demand, and the ability to generate revenue through the sale of AI-generated artworks as NFTs.

In addition to seeking external funding, we will explore collaborations with art institutions, galleries, and established NFT platforms. These partnerships can provide not only financial support but also opportunities for showcasing the project, accessing their existing networks, and benefiting from their expertise and resources.

By combining the initial grant funding with investments from interested parties, we will be able to realize the full potential of the project, create a dynamic and immersive satirical online bidding platform, and establish our presence in the rapidly evolving art and NFT market.

We are confident that with the combination of grant funding, investor partnerships, and strategic collaborations, we can successfully bring this groundbreaking project to fruition, disrupt the art world, and make a lasting impact on the intersection of AI, art, storytelling, and satire.